Today was a pretty crappy day.
Early in the morning, I checked to see any updates for the winners of Elizabeth Scott's contest, and I didnt win. Thats not what made my day crappy, if youre wondering. I guess I was disappointed, but hey, we recover from disappointment, right? But anyway, second period was pretty funny. My teacher told us he would be calling us up to check our Journal Entries for Catcher in the Rye, and for some odd reason, he called me up first. He usually does it by alphabetical order, and my last name starts with an L. so I thought it was strange, but no one seemed to notice. So when I come up there, hes on his computer clicking something and then musics starts playing. I didnt think much of it, and he was taking an awful amount of time checking my papers then he usually does. I even think he actually read an entry. But I finallllly figured out that he was stalling for the songs chorus, which was "Hands, touching hands, reaching out
Touching me, touching you
Oh, sweet Caroline
Good times never seem so good
I've been inclined to believe it never would"
Ha. Not a lot of people noticed at first but I certainly did because he was talking to me about this song the other day. My teacher, if you're wondering, is super hilarious. He reminds me of Conan O Brian- humor wise. There was this one time our VP came in our class room to talk about the CHASEE test, and she said that there would be prizes for the people who did SUPER excellent, and one of those prizes insisted of a hundred bucks. And then Mr. Norton raises his hand and says, "Oh, she forgot to tell you the greatest prize of all- you'll also receive an autographed picture of me." We all just were laughing hysterically.
Anyways, when the "Sweet Caroline" verse came on again, he said, "Thanks, CAROLINE" and then everyone finally understood and were all laughing and I was kind of embarrassed but I found it pretty funny too.
And now on to the worst part of my day.
My P.E teacher of last semester gave me a C in P.E, which balanced out to a B on my report card because I originally had 2 A's coming from the time before I had P.E class because I did golf as a sport. Anyways, my sister was very upset I had a B, because honestly, thats quite pathetic. No worries if you think so too. If anything, I completely agree. But the thing is, I dont deserve a C. If anything, I deserve a B- at the very least. Definitely not a C. And what makes me more C is that he gave me a freakin E for citizen ship. How in the world does that work out??
So my sister called him and then today in P.E he pulled me out of my new class (i dont have him as a teacher anymore) and he was discussing to my why I got a C and asked for MY input, so I of course stood by my thoughts and told him I felt like I deserved a B- at the absolute very least. Certainly not a C. And then he told me how I and my friends in the class (Golf Buddies: Reeanna, Eanna, and Antonielle) dont try in Ultimate Frisbee and how we did nothing in the weight room. And I told him that we didnt enjoy Ultimate Frisbee at all, yet we still did participate. If anything, I understand the Ultimate Frisbee part, BUT WE ONLY PLAYED THREE TIMES OUT OF THE THREE MONTHS WE WERE IN THAT CLASS!! He cant base off our grade in that particular sport. And how we did do things in the weight room. We jump roped. And we'd do Dumb Bells, and the ab machine, and even sit ups. Sure, this routine was repetitive, but its doing something rather than doing nothing. And we'd even go up to the soccer field every day to take attendance for him. When I pointed that out to him, he said "You wanna know why I asked you guys to do that?"
And I already knew the answer. I really did. "To make use of our time by doing you a favor?" And he just nodded his head. Really. This frustrates me. And when I told him I thought he didnt take this class seriously because he'd come out twenty minutes out the locker room than we did, he told me his excuse that was pointless to me. It really was a huge waste of my time. And when I asked him about my stupid citizenship grade he told me he liked me as a person but hes not going to base my behavior on my actual grade. OMIGOODNESS, it just doesn't make sense. I mean, he has a point, but the thing is- I did all the standards that should be good enough to reach above average. We ran the mile in standard time. Which is 6 laps in fifteen minutes. We followed the rules, did what we were supposed to do, and I pointed this out to him and he just calmly would answer back and that really just pissed me off. And the stupidly sensitive person I can be came out and I could feel my voice wavering and then I began to cry. My eyes were stinging like crazy and as much as I tried to stop I couldn't. And he just stood there all quiet and I finally gathered myself together and told him I had to get dressed and that if he would like to discuss this any further than do so with my sister. And I just left. I feel super duper stupid for crying, that part really wasnt needed. But sometimes, my emotions get the best of me. I feel ESPECIALLY bad for Reeanna because him giving her a C averaging out to a B ruined her 4.0. I was upset for her when she told me. Im just upset all together. But Im a strong girl and know that Ill get past this. Sometimes, its best to forget and just try again, although I tend to avoid that guide line. Im very stubborn, but in the end, I learn from it.
And then I WAS going to talk to Dexter boy. Theres this guy at the bus stop whom goes to my school that looks EXACTLY like Michael C. Hall just with tanner skin, and I really wanna tell him that, because I LOVEEEE Dexter (the Showtime show) but I looked toi bad of a mess to even be talking. My day ended pretty bad, so hopefully I can go to the gym and just run it off. Oh! And you guys know how I love to add a pic for all my posts, so heres my new book shelf! On the tope is where I keep my YA novels or what you could call chick-flick novels. And you guys have no idea how much I cherish my Sarah Dessen collection. NO idea. Sure, I dont have ALLL her books, but I do have seven out of the nine. I let my friend borrow Someone Like You though (How to Deal, so That Summer is combined) but I keep it first on top, right next to my bedside :) I treasure my Sarah Dessen collection and cant wait for my collection to be fulfilled. And the ones beside that particular collection are just all sorts of different books I have. Towards the end of the first shelf though are some auto-biography books that I couldn't stop reading once I had the book in my hands. So any book on my top shelf is what I HIGHLY recommend, except for the ones at the VERY end. Ive yet to read those ones. And on the second shelf are just books I know Im going to have to read next year, and some other ones I havent read as well. My top shelf really is just like, my main collection. And on the VERY top of my shelf is everything I need right before I go to bed. A lamp, for if Im reading a book and dont wanna get up to turn the light on, perfumes for the morning, germ x, and a basket of miscellaneous things. Well, thanks for reading guys if you did read!
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